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SCAR have been asked to take both of these dogs from local authority pounds after their owners failed to collect them.

Neither dog will be placed in kennels so the only way we can possibly take them is to find two suitable foster homes, one for each boy.

The first of these two boys is in a dreadful state. He hasn’t got like this overnight, it’s pure and simple plain neglect! He needs a skin biopsy to check for auto immune and also blood work done to check his thyroid. He has absolutely no muscle tone whatsoever and his poor eyes look so sore. He is just two years old!

The second lad has been in the pound a while now waiting for us to find space. He’s obviously given the best years of his life to those he loved and this is how he had been repaid! Such a dignified frosty faced prince who just wants a comfy bed to curl up on, a head scratch and a good meal.

Both boys could possibly be placed with nice natured spayed females, however, the ability to separate the dogs if they don’t get on is a must.

SCAR does not have the funds to put these dogs in kennels and nor would we even if we could afford to. Kennels is not for these two so foster offers must be serious. You will be committing to help the dog for however long is needed, potentially long term. They cannot be placed with children under 12 as we have no history for them.

Please help us to help them. Their future is uncertain without you and us to keep them safe.


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